Wednesday, 16 November 2016

6 Ways to Put Your Business Website to Work 2017

The most important component of a company's online strategy is its website. Unfortunately, many small businesses publish a website and then forget about it, even when promoting their products or services online. Using these tips, you can put your company's website to work helping to sell the products or services your company offers.

Regularly Update Site

While it is important for content on a website to be informative, it is also important for it to be fresh. Updating your site on a regular basis with creative, informative content can attract a regular audience and it helps to increase your site's search engine ranking. If your site cannot be easily updated, then you should have it replaced with one that can.

Add a Blog

One of the best ways to update your website is by writing blog posts. If there isn't a blog currently on your website, one needs to be added so you can promote your company and the products or services it offers. Blog posts can be written by the same person or you can recruit different people from your company to add blog posts on a regular basis so your customers learn more about your business.

Hire Professional Help

Most small business owners seldom have time to dedicate to updating their website, but keeping its content fresh and updating product or service information is vital to your success. Instead of trying to maintain a website yourself, hire a digital marketing agency to update your company's site. They can also manage your social media accounts and create online strategies to help increase your company's revenues.

Allow Feedback

Most people like being able to read reviews about products or services they're thinking of buying, especially if the reviews are written by a company's customers. Allow your customers to add reviews or testimonials about your business and its products or services to the site. Even bad reviews can help boost your search engine ranking and it allows the company to find areas in which it needs to improve.

Vary Content

When web visitors click onto a website and find nothing but a sea of text, it can turn some of them off and they will leave the site within a few moments. The digital marketing agency you've hired can add different types of content to your site to make it more interactive. Adding videos, podcasts and images to break up the text can make your site more appealing.

Link to Social Media

If there are social media accounts for your business, then you need to have their icons on your website. This will entice many of your customers and web visitors to follow your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts. If you're not using social media for your small business, then you need to open accounts to use them to promote your company.

Your business website is the hub of your internet presence. As such, it needs to work for you to draw new web visitors and help convert them into paying customers.

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