There are plenty of get-rich-quick scams that promise big bucks for home working. While home working is lucrative for some, others find it hard to discover a work-from-home job that will pay them some regular extra money. The best work-at-home jobs are those that individuals create for themselves around their own areas of expertise and interests.
Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant works remotely, communicating with her clients via high-speed Internet or phone. VAs provide administrative or secretarial help such as marketing or accountancy, and may even offer creative help such as proofreading or writing. As a virtual assistant, you may work full or part time, depending on your own needs and the requirements of your clients. Many small business owners ask virtual assistants to take on the mundane aspects of their business, such as data entry work. Rates of pay vary as VAs set their own hourly rate, and will depend on the nature of work and your own experience.
Pet Caretaker
Animal lovers can make extra money at home by running a dog walking service or taking in pets as boarders while their owners are either at work or on vacation. You can earn more as a pet sitter or boarder than from dog walking, but check with your local authorities for any licensing or insurance requirements you may need to follow. Another option is to work for a company that handles details like bonding and insurance, and collects money from clients before paying you.
Shopping or Errand Service
Many people are too busy to do their own shopping or run their own errands, such as returning library books or taking clothes to the dry cleaners. Families with two incomes, particularly those also busy with children, may be able to afford to pay someone to take some of these chores off their hands. Combining trips to the store for several clients would maximize your profits.
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