Monday 24 October 2016

If you have a habit of using Cell phones in dark, this can be horrbile to your eyes 2016-17

Things have changed when it comes to our sleeping habits. The invention of internet and smartphones has made it possible for us to use the devices in our beds and that has led to us sleeping later than ever. We tend to use our phones or tablets even in our beds for watching movies, our favorite shows online and playing games. This habit of using the phone in the dark may be dangerous to our health, as it has pushed back our sleeping times and even made people insomniacs. But doctors have found a much more pressing issue about this usage of phones at night, one which can have a devastating effect on our health.

1-Cell phone importance
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Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. The earliest model of a portable phone that become widespread in public was in 1997 and since then the people have easily adopted this new way of staying in contact. With the advent of internet and smartphones, lives of people have moved on from computers and laptops to mobiles. They do everything from entertainment to shopping to banking and probably everything. This has led to one of the worst modern habits of using cellphones even when one is on the bed.

2-Habit of cell phone
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This habit of using cell phones in the bed at night has given rise to increasing number of cases of eyesight problems. Most of such problems have become common amongst the younger generation who thanks to wi-fi internet can use their phone even in the bathrooms. But most of time, they use the phones in their bed in total darkness and doctors have reported cases of people losing their eyesight for upto 15 minutes at a time. They proceeded to do many tests on two of the women, who suffered from this temporary blindness.

4-Harm to eyes
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Most harm is done by the position in which the women used the phone on their beds. It involved them lying on the sides. This meant that one eye was focused on the phone, with its screen brightness on a high and the other eye being partially or fully blocked. This adapts one eye to the light of the phone and the other adapts to the darkness and when the phone is switched off, the brain is confused as to why one eye is adjusted for lightness and one eye is adjusted for darkness. One more issue is those modern LCD screens used in the phones emit a blue light that in the long run damages the retinas of the eye. Its severity grows tenfold when the phone is used in nighttime and doctors have said that prolonged exposure to this blue light can even cause cancer in the eyes.


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