Tuesday 25 October 2016

This is how a C-section can cause health risks on long term basis 2016-17

Caesarean deliveries are becoming common where child deliveries are concerned. While a c section should never be the preferred method of delivery, it is beneficial only in cases where a normal delivery poses a risk for the mother or child.

More and more women are opting for a c-section to avoid the trauma and pain associated with a normal delivery. But what most don’t realize is that a healthy mother should never op for such a method because of the negative effects of caesarean deliveries.

1-C-section deliveries can cause several negative long term effects
Image Source: www.apmcdn.org
Surgery during a c-section can cause negative side effects in the future health of a mother. Although the long term effects cannot be weighed against the compulsion of a c-section due to any health risks of a normal deliver, it should be dissuaded if it is unnecessary.

According to Mayo clinic a C section can cause problems for any future pregnancies. It could result in abnormal fetal positions, placenta previa and unexplained bleeding. It could also cause a rupture in the uterus and excessive bleeding during childbirth or pregnancy.

2-Abnormal fetal positions can result from c-section
Image Source: www.mdpcdn.com
An abnormal fetal position can create severe problems for a mother during childbirth. The placenta is attached to the lower uterine wall and could cover the cervix partially or totally. Abnormal fetal position makes labor difficult. In the case of a normal delivery after a caesarian, it could lead to rupture of the uterus although such an incident occurs rarely.

A c-section can lead to endometritis which is inflammation and infection of the membrane that lines the uterus. The condition results in fever, vaginal discharge and pain.

3-Infection and inflammation
Image Source: www.slidesharecdn.com
Urinary tract infection is another possible effect of a caesarian birth. This could happen because of catheterization for voiding the bladder. You could also experience fever, pain and confusion. Blood clotting and surgical injuries are also possible side effects of a C-section. Moreover the recovery period takes much longer and you may be required to stay at least a week in the hospital whereas a normal birth allows you to go home the next day.

When contemplating a delivery, while there are several negative effects of caesarian deliveries, your doctor is the final authority on a recommendation. Taking into account your health condition he will suggest which procedure is best for you.


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